“We all felt an intense power that can only be described through feeling it. Her work continues to astound me every day, everywhere I go.”
– Natasha Slayton

What is making life brighter?

Winifred Adams and Making Life Brighter is dedicated to optimizing one’s health in an effort toward balanced equipoise, benefiting the body and welcoming the light of spirit into our daily life. Balanced expression of spirit through the human body in turn radiates to the world around us, spreading joy. Joy is the inherent birthright of every living creature on Planet Earth.
There is no time like NOW. GO JOLLY!
“There is energy that gets created with and by Winifred that lifts the spirit and brings light into mind, body and soul. I can’t really pinpoint it, but life changes every time I spend time with Winifred. She is a gift of God to humanity and life itself and I am grateful for her being part of my life. We are pure energy and we consistently change. Thank God for that. And thank you, Winifred.”
Lots of Love to you, Corinna Cott
“Winifred’s work is deep and powerful. I have been challenged with health issues, loss, and keeping to myself. The shifts I am having are immediate. She is truly a master healer. I love the group setting and the feeling of love all around me. I feel more connected to source. I am looking forward to working more with her. So much to learn!”
Cheryl Jones
#1 Amazon Best Seller & Winifred's 1st Book
The Silver Lining of Cancer
“Buy a Book and Give a Book Campaign!”
Join our International Best Seller Campaign by buying the book The Silver Lining of Cancer and Gifting a book to someone who needs courage, hope, or upliftment! Buy your books TODAY on Amazon.com and “share with an organization online” to ‘give the gift of hope and courage.’

Request a consultation today
Contact Making Life Brighter through this form to request a consultation for one of our many healing services.